I'll probably never tell my best stories, but these are what's left.
Surrealist poetry and short stories of incidence.
5.0 Stars ✮✮✮✮✮ from Readers' Favorite
"Utterly irresistible"
"A book no poetry lover can, or should, ignore"
"Alcatraz Albatross by Bradley Lewis Foster is innovative, different, utterly irresistible, and likely to convert those who dismiss poetry if they can be persuaded to explore it and find their own special treasures."
"Anyone with an appreciation for lyrical and narrative talent is sure to adore these collected works, and, overall, I would highly recommend Alcatraz Albatross as a highly engaging read by a very talented poet and author."
"Author Bradley Lewis Foster encompasses both beautifully lyrical poetic qualities and realistic dialogue and narrative within this work, reminding me of the likes of such masters as Raymond Carver. There is a juxtaposition of the everyday happenstance with some intense emotive reactions, and the variance in the reading experience amongst the collection will certainly keep the audience interested and engaged throughout."
"To suggest Bradley Lewis Foster’s poetry is freestyle would be misleading; it is Crazy-Bradley-Style, but it can’t be dismissed. Foster himself describes his offerings in Alcatraz Albatross as surrealist, and it is an accurate word to use. They are weird, dreamlike (nightmarish?), and bizarre. The more you read, the more you want, need, crave; it is addictive."
"Alcatraz Albatross is a book no poetry lover can, or should, ignore. Where else would you find such diversity of subject or presentation from formatting to foreign languages?"
"I personally enjoy the stories he tells with a sharp wit and wild imagination through his poems. Crisp, introspective, and provocative, his love poems are refreshingly sarcastic but there is no denying the fact that this is a man that has loved, lost, and loved again."
"My favorites are Threehundredandseventeen – “she set down a toothy mousetrap in the periphery of the best-laid plans”, the irreverent Cumulative nimbus kisser – “Solve God's crossword puzzle and send in your answers to The Editor”, Recidivism, Alea iacta est (The die is cast in Latin), Texas with its change from a dismissive beginning to the plea in the final line, and the one I could, and very likely might, reread endlessly forever – The Faces in the Shower: 184 words with no verses at all."
"Alcatraz Albatross by Bradley Lewis Foster is a poetry book that covers various emotions, topics and compromising situations. The poems provoke and intrigue. Some of the poems tell stories like Campfire about a girl with "caramel corn skin and hair the color of her eyelashes", a poignant love story with an intriguing ending, which you have to read yourself."
"In The Teachers, he tells a personal story of how his parents find each other but the strange thing is that we can all relate with them and this is perhaps one of the reasons why Alcatraz Albatross is a collection of poetry that tugs at our hearts and brains in a way that only great poems can."
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Readers' Favorite is one of the most respected organizations in the book industry for reviewing books. They work with such renowned authors as James Patterson, David Baldacci and Stephanie Meyer, and are trusted by prominent publishers such as Penguin Random House, Harper Collins, and Simon & Schuster.
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Coup d’oeilel
Coup de Champagne
Cooped up in my little brain
Trompe l’oeilel
Trompe de Fallope
Trollop toll booth uterine stroke
Gal up pole
All the guys down at the watering hole
Coup d'état
Coup de grâce
Cuckoo Webelo wiener sauce
Trompe de chasse
Triumph dry hump blanket fort
Fille de rêve
Fille de joie
All the guys pay for their sweet filles du roi
Horse track mind hobnobbing puppy dog tails and black sails and Holy Grails
Cobbling gumshoes
And shopworn personalities
But that’s tiresome
Changing a flat note
Or a deadbeat
I don’t think the police have figured out that Sirens only work on sailors
They caught Jesus once though
But He busted outta the Stony lonesome
Ben on the Lamb ever since
The prison is not built that will hold Jesus Christ!
And then they put the Vatican in the middle of Rome
Turnin’ the other cheek for all time
But monuments themselves memorials need
And if they can put a Carpenter up on a wooden Cross, imagine what they’ll do to you
And sure, Jesus ran around with prostitutes and scallywags
But who hasn’t?
Sometimes you find out you’re in love with a prostitute
And not in the way that people say we’re all whores
Some people are just actual prostitutes
But sometimes you pay to get into a relationship
And sometimes you pay to get out
And you can bet yer dick you’ll pay fast when it’s your turn
And God can put my teeth on a necklace if I’m wrong fer warning you
They say winners write the history books and losers always wanna play another hand
So, when you put out a bid, make damn sure you win
Say it together: High, Low, Jack, Jick, Joker, Joker, Game
How long will we dance?
The unloved
Crumpled men
With tin ears
And deerstalker hats
Tell me where to look
Merchant of Venison
Sure as Shy
Can you pick the Lock?
As you like it, Furioso
Under Heaven
Cloak of night
Is this a dagger?
To feeling as to sight
Star bright
Wish I may
Wish thou wisdom,
Wish thou might
I interviewed a man whose profession was bows and arrows
I met him at his work
It was basically just a warehouse
And he worked alone
Taking things out of big boxes and putting them in little boxes
He said he worked for some foundation
They wanted to educate people about bows and arrows
He said people who hunted with bows and arrows had a bad reputation
Because if they weren’t careful, they could leave an animal with a serious injury
And it would limp around the rest of its life with an arrow sticking out that it would never be able to get rid of
He said sometimes people would see a deer with an arrow sticking out and say, “Damn bow hunters!”
His boxes were supposed to help
And he showed me what was in them
They mostly were filled with pamphlets and stickers and patches and targets
But in one of the boxes was a video
A safety video
And he was in it
He told me he was once a great bow hunter
And many years ago, the foundation paid him a lot of money to make a video about bow hunting safety
They flew him out to some hunting lodge in another state and put him together with a woman who knew as much about bows and arrows as he did
He showed me a picture of the two of them
She was beautiful
And he was a young man
He told me he thought of her often
And that sometimes when he was alone, he would watch the video
And he would wonder what ever happened to the beautiful woman he made a video with
He looked at the picture of the two of them for a while
Until he could tell he had been looking at it for too long
Then he quickly changed the subject and asked me if I wanted to see pictures of all the animals he killed in Africa
I saw ibexes and zebras and water buffalo and beasts I’d never seen before
He told me about their habits and the best way to kill each one with a bow and arrow
He said in Africa you had to watch out for snakes and the baboons with those red asses
He looked at each picture for a while
Thinking about when he was young
When he was a great bow hunter
When he was flown around the world and handed money to kill ibexes and make videos
When he knew a beautiful woman who knew as much about bows and arrows as he did
When I walked out, I could see him through the front window
Going through his boxes
Limping around
With an arrow sticking out that he would never be able to get rid of
They came roaring in a tumbleweed cabbage patch
Pestled in dust bowl foxing
God chose every soul and cut their teeth on falling knives they caught like colds
Those old radios hummed ’round black pot doldrums
Granting iodine laughs on open wound rooms
Darning their socks with light bulb teardrops and thread from a child-sized sweater that no one could bring themselves to talk about
Jacks-of-all-trade with Roger-that precision
Dreaming of trips overseas in all the worst ways
The only travel their gray eyes would ever know
So, they settled down on a slow dance promise, waitin’ ‘round for those Irish Twins and kids to raise the kids
Those farm hands and soup-churners moonlighting book-learnin’ on the back of the well-worn sod of a pentagenarian century
Tilling the family business while the world worked on growing fast enough to give ’em an out
Crouched under desks, having not yet learned to love the bomb, hoping they would get to ring that church bell on Sunday just one more time
Mikes and Marys cruising drag in fast cars behind the slow gait of a history book heavy as a shield
Till they were swooped up and repotted in jungles or grindstone kissing booths on a steady climb out of obscurity
Ever closer to the wheel
Should they sacrifice shoulder and heel
For that love calling children a dividend in a middle class they invented
Replete with vaccines and microchips and be-anything-you-want-to-be-blues
Whose grandfathers died in Europe
Whose fathers broke their backs at the mill
Still toiling away in a quiet pile of snapshots on a forgotten floor somewhere
Still mooring creation
May all our sons be artists
Raisin brain plug the drain of the white bled rug burn eyes
Spike the drink like a railroad
Tie me up fe fi fo Ein zwei drei Stein fum Rose En rouge violets are Bridge vier-de-lis fünf sechs zed on morning sun cheek bones
Welterweight with a belt sander measuring tape
Everybody fears death like it’s all a penny arcade
Honeysuckle sickle sweet relief for the sibyl
Find religion
Find incision
Plant the Holy Ghost in a chip in your arm
Solve God’s crossword puzzle and send in your answers to The Editor
Sleight of hand exclusive access to truth; Who’s in charge?
No rebuttal to ad hominem barbs
Pupil spotlight on if you choose to accept this mission
Die, re-die, level-up, keep accepting
Glamorously glib crib Barbarella Barabbas
Day of the week keeps running its mouth; Grok?
Roger go; throttle up
Say there’s something and we’ll sleep well at night
Unless the fear keeps us from leaving our beds
Nail us to a purpose
Nail us to a
Nail us
to a
I sat down at a café in Paris
The man sitting at the table next to me welcomed me to his country
I told him I was in Versailles earlier that day
He asked me what I thought
“It seemed like a bit much,” I said.
He said they took half of France’s money to make it
And then he asked me if I saw any toilets in the palace
I hadn’t
He said there weren’t any
He said they used to shit in boxes and throw them out the window
“Yeah, why not?” I laughed.
“All those rooms,” he said, “…and not a single toilet.”
“Well, sure, toilets are for the poor.”
He said the world is falling apart today
He said Capitalism is to blame
Said it makes the rich richer
I wondered if it makes them rich enough to shit in boxes
Je me suis assis dans un café à Paris
Un homme s'assied à une table voisine, me souhaitant la bienvenue dans son pays
Je lui ai dit que j'étais à Versailles très tôt dans la journée
Il me demanda alors ce que je puis en penser
"C'était un peu beaucoup", dis-je.
Il s'exclama, me disant qu'ils avaient pris la moitié du capital de la France pour sa construction
Et puis il me demanda si j'ai pu y apercevoir de quelconques toilettes dans le palais
Ce n'était pas le cas
Il me dit qu'il n'y en avait pas
Il me dit que les nobles utilisaient des boites pour chier, puis les jeter par la fenêtre
"Sans doute, pourquoi pas?", dis-je en rigolant.
"Toutes ces pièces", dit-il, "... et pas une seule toilette."
"Bien, sûr, les toilettes sont pour les pauvres."
Il me dit que de le monde s'effrite aujourd'hui
Et que la seule cause à blâmer est le Capitalisme
Il a dit ça fait des riches encore plus riche
Je me demanda alors si ça faisait d'eux des gens assez riches pour pouvoir chier dans des boites
I drank Pălincă with a man in the folded hills of Romania
Where the clouds hang on every piece of topography
And the sunsets are turquoise and jade, and they blanket the sunflower fields and Communist cicatrix alike, and they look like the sound an orchestra makes when it’s warming up while the stars prepare to take their place on the stage of the blue night sky
We were near the border of Serbia
At the edge of town where the eyes of wolves and boars can be seen through the tree line
And a man’s eyes can be seen through the rim of a shot glass
Me and this man
A man with man’s hands
Put to use in the way that God reasoned we’d need them in the first place
We sat in the house he built with those hands, in those folded hills, on a gravel road that leads into that forest with eyes
And while his dog was biting my feet, and the dice he was rolling were grinding my teeth, his daughter shot me looks
And his wife made piles of schnitzel she stacked on a plate like flapjacks
And his mother-in-law talked to the chickens out back like they were all in big trouble
And the Pălincă flowed
And you drink it up to your nose, and it bites your damn throat and burns all the way to the bottom of your gut, and everything gets real hot, and the sweat on your forehead drips into your glass
But when that man smacks his lips and unscrews the cap on the bottle for another pour, looking at you with those vibrant eyes, saying through a big smile in his heavy accent that life is good, you know he’s right
And it’s all Pălincă
And it’s all Romania
Am băut Pălincă cu un bărbat în dealurile pliate din România
Unde norii atârnă pe fiecare bucata de topografie
Și apusurile de soare sunt turcoaz și jad și acoperă ca o pătură câmpurile de floarea-soarelui și tot odată și cicatricea comunistă și ele arată ca sunetul pe care îl face o orchestră atunci când se încălzește în timp ce stelele se pregătesc să-și ia locul pe scena cerului albastru de noapte
Am fost aproape de granița cu Serbia
La marginea orașului, unde ochii lupilor și vierilor pot fi văzuți prin linia copacilor
Iar ochii unui bărbat pot fi văzuți prin marginea unui pahar de shot
Eu și acest om
Un om cu mâini bărbătești
Puse la lucru în modul în care Dumnezeu a știut de la început că vom avea nevoie de ele
Am stat în casa pe care a construit-o cu acele mâini în dealurile astea pliate pe un drum pietruit care duce la ochii din pădure
Și în timp ce câinele lui îmi mușca picioarele și zarurile pe care le rula îmi scrâșneau dinții, fiica lui îmi arunca priviri
Și soția lui a făcut grămezi de schnitzel pe care le-a așezat pe o farfurie ca niște clatite
Și soacra lui vorbea în curte cu găinile ca și cum toate ar fi fost în mare necaz
Și Pălinca curgea
Și o bei până la nas și iti mușcă gâtul și arde până la capătul intestinului și totul devine foarte fierbinte și transpirația de pe frunte se scurge în paharul tău
Dar când acel om își ţuguie buzele și deşurubează capacul sticlei pentru a turna din nou, uitându-se la tine cu ochii aceia pătrunzători, spunând cu un puternic accent și cu un zâmbet larg că viaţa este bună, știi că are dreptate
Și totul este Pălincă
Și totul este România
You don’t have to worry
How I’m gettin’ home
Got more time than money
But no place to go
I run outta toothy smiles
Man, I’m tired of lookin’ fricasseed
But I’m fixated on a harpy
Won’t give me no heartbeat
My mind needs shelter or a hobby
If there’s a better way to live
I ain’t found it yet
Just a million ways to be unhappy
Yeah, I run around
Stealin’ looks, robbin’ cradles
Findin’ meat for my hooks
Drinkin’ bars under the table
And if I don’t read that Good Book
I’ll be in jail or chewin’ on a bite o’ rope
Biding my time till I swing
By hiding
If there’s a better way to live
I ain’t found it yet
Just a million ways to be unhappy
But as my hair fades to that tombstone gray
I know you’ll never change me
But I want you to try
She fit my frame
Breathing in reason to live
It all started with a Face
A Private pivot away
All my ties are cauterized
And I am whole
For once
So, go West, young woman!
Find yourself a cage
Realize your agency in actual evacuation
And I am just a detail
And I am just a subplot
I thought we were cutting clocks
By taking a leap
I thought we were cutting clocks
But my calendar’s trying to lose weight on me
O her stem glass wrist went limp
I can’t make her pulse quicken
Talk to me
Who’d expect indifference when I’ve collared the leash?
Yeah, we ran around
We ran around for a little while
But there’s only one pulsing specter
Calling me back
Hovering above me in dreams
At the tips of my fingers
Just out of reach
I pulled the ripcord
Pulling at the thread
Will I be in space to meet her?
Will she ever pulse again?
Copyright © 2024 Bradley Lewis Foster - All Rights Reserved.
Forever and ever endeavor.
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